Texas A&M Turfgrass Program


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Turfgrass Producers of Texas

Weed Control for Professional Turf Managers

Texas Turfgrass Association

Turfgrass Producers International

Texas Department of Agriculture


Milberger Turfgrass

Zoysia Grass

Palisades Zoysia is a dark green in color and has a medium to course texture. It spreads by runners and is slower growing than hybrid Bermudas. Palisades has good establishment and regrowth and is extremely drought tolerant. It is also very cold tolerant. It's been a good choice for lawns, golf fairways, industrial parks, sports fields and highway medians. Palisades has a medium to coarse texture turf, it tolerates mowing as close as 1/2" and is noted for shade tolerance and low water use requirements. It's a tough, aggressive grass that is a good choice for Central Texas lawns.

El Toro Zoysia is light green in color and has a dense medium texture. El Toro is a highly durable turf. It spreads by runners and is slower growing than hybrid Bermudas. It adapts well to high heat and tolerates moderate shade. EL Toro isn't quite as drought tolerant as some other strains, but it does control weeds well and isn't prone to bug problems. El Toro does tend to become dormant and turn brown during periods of extended drought. It is exceptionally hardy as far as traffic and wear resistance.
Emerald Zoysia is a dark green, fine leafed, dense growing grass. Emerald is known as the 'Cadillac' of turf. The root system is very drought tolerant and the stolons grow under ground which also makes it more cold tolerant. Once established Emerald is highly weed resistant and wear resistant. Emerald was developed in the 1950s, making it one of the oldest Zoysia strains in Texas. It's a dense, fine grass, but it needs a consistent cut (a reel type mower may be best), and tends to accumulate a heavy amount of thatch over years.
Zeon Zoysia is a new variety that is fast becoming one of the most popular zoysias on the market. Zeon is similar to Emerald in appearance with a fine bladed leaf texture. It is also very shade tolerant and unlike Emerald, Zeon does not have a prickly feel. Produced less thatch than other zoysia varieties except JaMur.

Zeon is compatible with a wide range of soil conditions. It can handle full sun or light to medium shade. It has good drought tolerance and very few insect or disease problems. A well-maintained lawn will provide the best resistance against weeds, disease and insects. Zeon possess a very dense root system that helps prevent weed problems.
How to Order Grass

For more information about our grass products and how to order grass contact Texas Grass Farms.

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